Saturday 22 May 2010

Well, what an interesting episode of Doctor who this week. I must say, there is something about Matt Smith that makes me want him a lot! Facebook struck a conversation afterwards, where me and my friend decided that bow ties were the future. Serious. She knows her stuff, fashion and that. And come on.. Just look at him in it!
Anyway back to the episode! This week featured the "Silurians" or "homo Reptilia" if you wish. They are creatures who claim to have inhabited Earth way before the arrival of the human race, which sparked annoyance when the humans decided to explore the Earth further by drilling a hole to the core of the Earth. Only then, the Silurians thought they were under attack by a race who they refer to as "stinking apes" and felt provoked enough to launch war against the human race. The episode ends when The Doctor captures one of them and demands to get Amy back, who has been captured and is about to be dissected by the green frog looking people.
Anyway, all in all it was a rather interesting episode. And its a two parter so we have to wait until next saturday now!
By the way.. Yes it may be sad that im 17 and watch Doctor who but who cares :)
Further Curious thoughts of a teenage failure.. soon.

By the way if anyone actually reads my blog, and you're into fashion, my friend Rosie has an interesting blog you should check out! She's the one i had a discussion with about Mr Matt Smiths wonderful bow tie. Thanks!

Friday 21 May 2010

Blog Virgin.

First blog EVER! And i must say i may epically fail at this. Moving on..
The above picture pretty much sums up my face whilst pondering life's mysteries, before i had the most fantastic idea ever!
Yes, i know you may be reading this thinking -"oh lord, another nutter who thinks she may have a shot at being hilarious when she's really not, nor is she ever going to be."
Im pretty sure that last sentence confirmed that, however do not worry! I promise (ahem) to never try to be funny, and my future blogs - which will have a topic and will not be as boring as this - may at least have some structure and interesting features to which may hold your interest throughout.
Blog virgin bids you goodbye!
Curious thoughts of a teenage failure.. to follow.